Arterie Fine Arts
InformatikaTrisomic SingularityNodal TransportIdentity XIIQuintessential Control CenterWhat Was I Thinking?RegenerationUntitledUntitled
Peter N. Gray
Peter N. Gray
Featured Artist
Science & Art Show
September 5 –October 1
Facebook Page

Art in Science: At his Metal-i-Genics Studio in Chicago, Gray captures the aesthetics of genetics, microbiology, and physics in bronze and steel sculptures. His goal is to create something that has both an aesthetic value as a sculpture and then also leads to further questioning by the viewer. “In science, you should always keep in mind that what you're observing there has a true inherent beauty. I often felt stirred by the artistic qualities of the images I encountered”, Gray says. Artists, scientists, and technologists look at structure and pattern in the universe, whether visible or invisible to the naked eye. His exhibitions explore how some of today's scientific fields of systems science, chaos, fractals, genetics, molecular science, plus nature itself, are used to create two- and three-dimensional art of provocative and sumptuous pattern. These “brain-works” are part of a series addressing information use, information storage and information transfer using neuroscience and genetics as starting points. Quintessential Control Center takes us inside the center portion of the brain where rapid transmissions are occurring and then filtered to relatively fewer signals sent down the spinal cord. In What Was I Thinking? we are faced with our own personal remains after all the global environmental catastrophes have stripped us to the core of our existence. These as well as his other sculpture, images and installations intersect art, science and the environment. Based on extensive experience in scientific research and investigation, Gray’s work derives from the biological mechanisms for transmission of information incorporating an array of diverse materials, including steel, bronze, stone, wood, and found objects. As a molecular biologist Gray worked on the mechanisms for expressing genes into functional proteins and on research into the early diagnosis and dysfunctional chemical systems in the neurodegenerative genetic disorder Huntington’s Disease.