Matthew CoglianeseChicago, ILthepigshark.comFacebookFor five years I was a lead vocalist in a heavy metal band. Ive made hours feel like minutes becoming immersed in video games and love experimenting and indulging on foods at new restaurants. However, none of that compares to the deep seeded passion I have for photography and graphic design. I knew from the moment I first saw an HDR photo back in 2009 that I was hooked, and have been relentlessly researching, learning and practicing, how to enhance and expand my photography ever since.
Photography and graphic design fortunately go hand in hand and has practically become an obsession that I constantly seek to add new experience to. My focus now relies heavily on photographs to be digitally manipulated before creating a final image. I find the most enjoyment when I am digitally altering images and turning the visual truth into something else that could never exist.